Books: “Pied Piper” by Nevil Shute

I have mentioned before that this year has felt a bit lacklustre in terms of reading, writing, and in general. The pandemic induced ‘reset’ has worn off; I have decluttered, re-prioritized, and found new intent – but now the very same restrictive conditions which helped with the mental shift, seem like a holding cell.... Continue Reading →

Books: “Hotel Iris” by Yoko Ogawa

Of Ogawa’s vast scope of work, I had read The Housekeeper and The Professor, which remains one of my favourite books; I read Ogawa’s interview with the famed mathematician, Masahiro Fujiwara, whom she met as part of her research for her novel; I read The Memory Police, which was as equally delicate as the first... Continue Reading →

Books: “Of Women And Salt”

Scrolling through my bookstore’s picks, I came across this bold book cover with a black panther, by the author Garcia. Assuming it was a short story collection by one of my favourite authors Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I clicked ‘buy’. After receiving the book, I discovered my mistake. Of Women and Salt, is not a lover’s... Continue Reading →

Books: “Pandora’s Jar” by Natalie Haynes

A highly researched essay on how Greek myths morphed over time to further a cultural suppression of women. Each chapter is devoted to an (in)famous female protagonist: her storyline, how it was perceived originally, and how it changed or was even erased, over time. Take Pandora: the unwitting vessel of Zeus’s revenge. Pandora is singlehandedly... Continue Reading →

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