28 Blocks of Colonial Singapore

The Hidden Meaning Behind the Names of the Wessex Estate BlocksA photo documentary book by Ana Menchen Edited by Johanna Airth I met Ana about two years ago at an intimate gathering for photography enthusiasts. It was one of those sweet seemingly spontaneous meetings, that was meticulously organized in its goal to bring like-spirited people... Continue Reading →

Beautiful Mathematics: A Discussion between Author and Mathematician

Science Write Now article: https://www.sciencewritenow.com/essays-craft-memoir/beautifulmathematics A foreword from Amanda— A few months ago I read a novel called The Housekeeper and the Professor, by revered Japanese writer Yoko Ogawa, translated into the English by Stephen Snyder in 2009. A writer friend had recommended it on Facebook and, seeing it dealt with mathematics, I had to... Continue Reading →

Five must-read books from Japanese literature

BBC Article: Five must-read books from Japanese literature By Johanna Airth 18th December 2019With the translation of Japanese literature into English, new meaning is given to the texts which illuminates our understanding of Japanese culture Understanding Japanese culture has fascinated the Western world ever since the country’s trading doors opened up in the 1800s. Eating... Continue Reading →

The hunt for Japan’s ‘ghost’ wolves

BBC Article: The hunt for Japan’s ‘ghost’ wolves By William Park and Johanna Airth 18th October 2019Could an apex predator, thought to be extinct for 100 years, still be roaming the Japanese mountains? Some enthusiasts think they have the evidence. Hiroshi Yagi was driving through the Chichibu Tama Kai National Park when the animal came... Continue Reading →

An Ancient way of doing business in Japan

BBC Article: An Ancient Way of Doing Business In Japan By Yuko Komura (translated by Johanna Airth) 4th November 2019 When we think of a Japanese tea ceremony (sadō), it invokes thoughts of a refined woman in a kimono, sitting on a tatami mat making matcha, carefully following detailed instructions of old. According to a... Continue Reading →

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